2019-20 Student Learning Experience Questionnaire (SLEQ) is now open!
Update: The 2019-20 SLEQ is now closed.
We thank all students for your participation. For further news about SLEQ, please visit https://tlem.hku.hk/sleq/.
HKU conducts institutional surveys on students’ learning experiences regularly as a means to gather feedback from students and as an essential source for ongoing enhancement of the quality of learning experiences.
We invite all first, second, and final year undergraduate students to complete the Student Learning Experience Questionnaire – Undergraduate (SLEQ – UG); and all final year taught postgraduate students to fill out the Student Learning Experience Questionnaire – Taught Postgraduate (SLEQ – TPG).
All target students would receive an e-mail invitation with a direct link to the survey on the survey start day of their respective curriculum. You can also access the questionnaire on the “My e-learning tab” in HKU Portal or directly at: http://sleq.hku.hk/1920
The questionnaires takes about 10 minutes to complete and are conducted online. All information collected would remain strictly confidential. Your feedback is of great importance and we appreciate your participation in the survey.
For more details about SLEQ, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page. Should you have any enquiries or encountered any technical issue, please do not hesitate to contact us at surveytl@hku.hk or 3917- 4787.