Joining the discussion on “Equity, Access, and Diversity in Education” at HKERA 2018

This past December 14-15, 2018, T&LEMU members attended the Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) International Conference 2018 held at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Ms. Kathryn Landis shared on how T&LEMU measures educational aims for students of different cultural backgrounds and learns about integration on campus in “When East Meets West: Understanding Learning Diversity Among Diverse Student Populations in a Hong Kong University”. Ms. Yvonne Chan’s presentation “Student Learning and Engagement: Student Voices from the Common Core Curriculum” examined student learning and student engagement with the Common Core Curriculum, drawing on various resources consisting of both quantitative and qualitative data. Dr. Tim Leung presented “Assessing University Students’ Intercultural Competence in a Culturally Diverse Learning Environment”, where he described the development of a new survey instrument and how it can be a reliable and valid measure for universities to monitor students’ progress and achievement towards their intercultural competency.

HKERA is co-hosted by the HKERA, the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research (HKIER), the Department of Educational Administration and Policy (EAP) and the Faculty of Education of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. HKIER was established in 1993 with the aim of facilitating research and development efforts in education. Additional information on the conference can be found here.
