Results for the 2021-22 Student Learning Experience Questionnaire (SLEQ), including both SLEQ-UG for undergraduates and SLEQ-TPG for taught postgraduates, are now available. Key findings at the institutional level are accessible via https://tlem.hku.hk/sleq/; detailed results at the institutional, Faculty, and curriculum levels have been disseminated to Faculties and committees for facilitating reviews and developments related to teaching and learning. Please refer to the information on the same page (https://tlem.hku.hk/sleq/) for access to the report or enquiries.

The T&LEMU administers student surveys regularly as a means to supporting the University’s quality assurance and enhancement in teaching and learning. For enquiries regarding the SLEQ administration and reports, please feel free to contact us at surveytl @ hku.hk or 3917-4787.