T&LEMU Website Launch

Welcome to our website! Teaching and Learning Evaluation and Measurement Unit (T&LEMU) is proud to announce that our website is now launched.

T&LEMU is a central unit that supports the University’s teaching and learning strategies, quality assurance and enhancement through collecting stakeholders’ feedback and conducting evaluation and measurement activities. One of our major functions is to administer, analysis and report various institutional surveys on student learning experiences, most notably the Student Learning Experience Questionnaire (SLEQ), which is conducted annually.

With our new website now being established, we hope that it offers a channel for colleagues and students to find out more about the SLEQ and our work, and serves as a platform for facilitating the communication and exchange of information in educational measurement and assessment. Please feel free to contact us at surveytl@hku.hk or 3917-4787 if you have any enquiries.